Shrek the Third is a 2007 computer animated comedy film of the Shrek series. It is the third film in the series, following Shrek and Shrek 2. It was produced by Jeffrey Katzenberg for DreamWorks Animation, and is distributed by Paramount Pictures, and was released in U.S. theaters on May 18, 2007 (June 8 in Mexico, June 22 in Spain, June 15 in Brazil, June 13 in France and June 29 in the UK and Ireland).
It was produced with the working title of Shrek 3. Like the first two Shrek films, the movie is significantly based on fairy tale (specifically Grimm's Fairy Tales) themes. The film is rated PG by the MPAA for some crude humor, suggestive content, and swashbuckling action.
King Harold has fallen sick and his ogre son-in-law Shrek and daughter Fiona are next in line to be king and queen. Shrek declines, believing that there has to be someone else for the job. With his final three breaths, the king tells Shrek that there is one other heir who can become the new King of Far Far Away: his nephew, Arthur Pendragon. Shrek sets out to find 'Artie', along with Donkey and Puss in Boots. As they're sailing off, Fiona runs to the dock and announces to Shrek that she's pregnant. Surprised and shocked, Shrek begins to have nightmares about his future children on their journey to Worcestershire Academy, where they eventually discover that Arthur, who is an academy student, is a loser picked on by the other students - even the nerds. Arthur at first feels good about his new role until Donkey and Puss scare him with responsibilities. Arthur tries to take control of the ship and ends up crashing it on an island where they meet Arthur's retired wizard teacher, Merlin.
Meanwhile, Prince Charming has gone to the Poison Apple Bar where he convinces all fairy tale villains (including Captain Hook, the Wicked Queen, a Cyclops, Rumpelstiltskin, Mable the Ugly Stepsister, the Headless Horseman, Stromboli the Puppet Master, and an assortment of black knights, dwarves, trees, and witches) to join him in a fight for their "happily ever after". The villains feel their side of the story has never been told and now is the time to do it. Prince Charming and the other villains invade the kingdom. Among their crimes are the imprisonment of Fiona, Queen Lillian, and Fiona's famous princess friends, including Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.
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